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Feb 28, 20249 min read
BISON CONSUMERS: Truth in Labeling
Truth in Labeling is almost a constant whisper, there is always some change predicted, requested, or legislated due to the mess our...
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Feb 20, 202411 min read
HEALTH: What's In Our Meat?
"If it's pink it's meat!" ~ Jo Ann Smith, [former] USDA Under Secretary As I've shared before, we started a journey more than a decade...
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Feb 19, 20243 min read
Fat...let's just talk about it.
While I believed what the labels said when I did find "grass-fed bison" meat in the grocery stores, I was naive.
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Jan 3, 20242 min read
Pasture to Plate
When Dave and I started our operation we had no idea how long it would take us to reach certain goals. But, we at least had a vision to...
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Nov 13, 20237 min read
BISON: Grass-fed and finished reality in drought
When Dave and I started this adventure, it went without any real discussion that we would be truly grass-fed and finished. Our experience...
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